All About Hats


How to wear a hat with curly hair

Having curly hair is not as easy as having straight hair. Curly hair makes the head look bigger so they can’t wear any type of hat they want and then this question arises-

How to wear a hat with curly hair?
Well! Not all hats are the same. So, we will show you exactly how to wear which one.

How to wear a sports hat or people also call it a dad hat with curly hair step by step

How to wear a hat with long curly hair 

Simply take them behind and put them through the hole of the sports hat and wear it normally. you can easily warp a hat and gift it to your people.
We have found a video that might be helpful.

This Video will show how to wear a hat with curly hair

You have Short hair no problem:

Put the front hair in the front and the hairs in the back like the way shown in the picture it is the easiest way to wear a hat with short curly hair but there are other ways. you can not use a tight hat if you have curly hair. But you can tighten a hat.

How to wear hat with short curly hair
wear a hat with short curly hair

Having problem wearing beanies then this section is just for you

The way to wear a beanies with curly is to start wearing it from the front Not from the back nor from above start putting it from your forehead so all the hair falls in the back.

you have a short curly hair
beanies hat if you have a short curly hair girl
beanies hat if you have a short curly hair

How to wear summer hat with short curly hair

The way to wear summer hats with short curly hair and one of them is to wear is in the palate and leave the hairs the way they naturally stay.
You can wear them the way they worn it shown the picture.

summer hat with curly hair boy
summer hat with curly hair girl

How to wear summer hat with curly hair

It’s quite tricky to wear a summer hat with long curly hair. You can split the front hairs into two then just start putting it from the front. 
1st step is to split the hair of the palate. You can split it any way you want but you must split it very nicely so that the hat fits your head.
2nd step is to wear the hat from upwards to downward like a crown and then you will look like the models shown in these pictures.

summer hats with curly hair
summer hats with long curly hair

How to wear winter hat with curly hair

Spilt the hair from the middle into 2 and the wear it from upward to downwards like a the way a king wears a crown it may look like this on you.
You can also wear it like the way we have suggested to wear a beanie hat. gigi pipi has a blog about how to wear a hat with curly hair similar to this I hope you will like it.

winter hat with short curly hair girl
winter hat with short curly hair

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